Helen's face may have launched a thousand ships but I bet those ships' worth are nowhere near the amount People magazine paid to have these pictures taken. The three-week old Jolie-Pitt babies' pictures are worth US 14 million dollars! Roughly estimated to Philippine peso, it amounts to 616 million! That's twice the take home pay of Manny Pacquiao in a single Las Vegas boxing fight. But all of that money will not go to the already bulging coffers of the A-list Hollywood couple Angelina and Brad, otherwise known as Brangelina. The perfect-looking do-gooders will donate the money to their foundation which is committed to helping other less fortunate children the world over. Moreso, I read in one article that Brad gave away hundreds of stuffed toys to the children confined in the same hospital where Angelina stayed in. What a guy! I love this couple. I'm crossing my fingers, I hope they stay together forever.

Viv and Knox (Vivienne Marcheline and Knox Leon, named after Angie's mother and Brad's grandfather, respectively.)
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